Johan Steuch
Global Manager – Technical Service & Documentation
About the job
Do you have the skills and passion to continue to develop our global technical service in response to future needs? Then you could be our new Global Manager – Technical Service & Documentation and take HARDI to the next level in globalizing our technical service worldwide. You will create the bridge between our valued customers and, R&D on one side and Production/QC on the other.
You will be responsible for the Global Technical Service & Documentation department, consisting of 5 highly knowledgeable service technicians as well as 3 skilled technical writers. From our headquarter in Denmark, or physically at machines in the field, they support service people at importers, subsidiaries or at dealer level every day every year. In addition, the department will act as Trainers at internal or external service seminars, help at product demonstrations and as support to our renown HARDI Academy. Furthermore, you will take charge of developing the HARDI Service Sharing platform for online technical reporting and knowledge sharing between our staff and partners around the world.
The position as Global Manager – Technical Service & Documentation is part of the R&D and Technical Service management team. You will also work closely with our global network of local service and documentation employees. International travel is to be expected.
Department responsibilities
- Maintain and expand the HARDI Service Sharing platform. This involves a close collaboration with the global technical service team. We have the platform – you need to continue its use and success.
- Drive and further develop our On-line Warranty registration system, coordinating with key stakeholders and ensuring a high level of reporting to multiple departments and top management.
- Take responsibility for all multilingual technical documentation needed to timely support our customers, dealers and service technicians.
- Drive and further develop our Diagnostic support system HST, coordinating with key software developers to insure correct usability and up to date functionality.
- Participate in trouble shooting and fault finding. Assist the R&D teams in product evaluation and tests.
Your profile
- You have a technical background with a minimum of 5-8 years’ experience – ideally within the agricultural, construction or marine industry.
- You are proactive, outgoing, committed and thrive in an exciting and challenging job – most of all, you have excellent interpersonal and proven management skills.
- You have a demonstrated understanding of the principles and techniques of modern mechanics – with more than average understanding of electronics, hydraulics and telematics.
- You have excellent written and verbal English communication skills – other languages a plus.
- You have demonstrated experience with task management and knowledge sharing, warranty data and analysis, as well as communicating the output throughout the company.
- You can influence cross-functional teams without formal authority. You have the ability to influence and work collaboratively with Production/QC, R&D and external partners.
We offer
Do you want to help shape the future of agriculture and make your mark on sustainable food production? We develop intelligent sprayer solutions that not only make life easier for farmers but also make a difference for the environment. In reality, this means that we try to go beyond state-of-the-art when we design machines that minimise the use of water and Plant Protection Products – machines that control weeds, pests and diseases one plant at a time. Through care, innovation and excellence, we expect to see precision farming as the solution for the future. You will be based at our headquarters in Nr. Alslev, where you will join about 350 other amazing people. We believe in each other, our customers and farming for a sustainable future.
Submit your application and CV to Actief Teknik Bureauet via the APPLY button. If you have any questions about the position, you are welcome to contact the Director of Actief Teknik Bureauet, Bill René Hansen, at or call 2026 0225.
Actief Teknik Bureauet handles the entire recruitment process, therefore all inquiries should be directed to them. We continuously invite relevant candidates for interviews and reserve the right to invite candidates before the application deadline expires.
På vegne af HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S i Nørre Alslev søger Actief Teknik Bureauet en dygtig udviklingsingeniør, der er stærk inden for mekanisk konstruktion og CAD.
Om jobbet
Som vores nye udviklingsingeniør vil du være nøglefiguren i design og udvikling af vores innovative landbrugsmaskiner. Vi lægger stor vægt på skabelsen af originale løsninger og ser designprocessen som en rejse fra A-Z, hvor du vil være aktiv fra den første idé til den endelige produktionsfase. Med din omfattende viden inden for 3D CAD (vi bruger CREO) vil du være ansvarlig for design fra bunden – dette indebærer ikke blot sammenbygning af delelementer, men reel innovation og kreativitet fra starten.
Dine ansvarsområder
• Selvstændig projektledelse: Du skal lede og drive dine egne projekter, hvor koordinering mellem forskellige afdelinger som f.eks. PTA og Indkøb er afgørende. Du skal kunne inspirere dine kollegaer med din erfaring og ideer.
• Konstruktion og CAD: Dybdegående arbejde med design og 3D CAD. Du forventes at have en intuitiv forståelse for, hvordan ting fungerer, og hvordan de kan forbedres og trives med at generere idéer og løsninger.
• Tæt på produktion: Som udviklingsingeniør hos HARDI bliver du involveret i prototyper, selvtest og direkte samarbejde med produktionsholdet – din hverdag bærer præg af de krydsfelter vi arbejder i og du vil opleve at møde en bred vifte af faglige baggrunde på daglig basis.
• Stamdata og tegningsdokumentation: Sikring af korrekt dokumentation af alle designs og projekter.
Din profil
• Bachelor- eller kandidatgrad i Mekanisk Ingeniørskab.
• Selvkørende og retningssættende: Du vil ofte finde dig selv i en position, hvor du skal guide kolleger eller praktikanter, og vi forventer, at du kan tage initiativ og sætte kursen i disse situationer.
• Design-evner: Du har et naturligt flair for design og kan hurtigt vurdere funktionalitet og forbedringer i maskindesign.
• Grundighed: Vi søger en ‘finisher’, en person, der kan fuldføre opgaver med en høj grad af præcision snarere end blot at generere ideer.
• Teamplayer: Du kan indgå i et team, bidrage til brainstorming, tage initiativ på værkstedet og navigere i de udfordringer, der opstår, når produktion, test og serviceorganisationen stiller spørgsmål.
Vores lønpakke afspejler, at vi søger en erfaren (senior) kandidat. Vi giver dig mulighed for at præge fremtiden inden for landbrugsteknik og bæredygtig fødevareproduktion. Du vil blive en del af en virksomhed, hvor tonen er uformel, og fællesskabsfølelsen er stærk. Vores hovedkontor i Nørre Alslev huser ca. 440 dedikerede kolleger, alle drevet af troen på bæredygtig landbrugsinnovation.
Søg stillingen ved at klikke på SØG knappen, hvor du kan uploade din ansøgning og CV.
Har du spørgsmål til stillingen, er du velkommen til at kontakte Bill René Hansen from Actief Teknik Bureauet: Phone +45 2026 0225 eller e-mail
Actief Teknik Bureauet varetager rekrutteringsprocessen, hvorfor al henvendelse bedes rettet hertil. Vi indkalder løbende relevante kandidater til samtaler og forbeholder os muligheden for at indkalde kandidater inden ansøgningsfristens udløb.